
Efficient Tricks to Eliminate Your Fear of Flying!


In today’s era, this world is a global village, in which the most convenient mode of transport between countries is flying via airplane. However, many of us are scared by just thinking about having a journey on the plane.

Airplanes crashing is rare; however, they are sometimes reported, which is the primary reason for filling our minds with the fear of flying.
For instance, let’s take an example of two Malaysian Airlines crashes, where flight 370 has vanished somewhere in the Indian Ocean, and the plane of flight 17 was sadly shot down over Ukraine. Then there was the incident of German wings when a suicidal pilot flew a passenger jet, which was later blown up by a Russian flight Metrojet 9268.

On the other side, air travel has become a recommended option for urgent visits to any country, either for a holiday, studying, or some business trip. Also, almost 10,000 places are airborne even though they have safely carried travelers to different destinations across the globe.
With all the above facts kept in mind, there are still some ways to deal with the fear of flying before and during the flight.

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How to overcome this fear?

• Concentrate on what you can control
Always try to control things with ease by cutting stressful thoughts. Furthermore, make all the preparations in advance such as booking airport parking deals to reduce your chance of getting stressed. Try to wear comfortable clothes and not eat items that are allergic to you or cause nausea. Stay hydrated and listen to some mental relaxing music that helps eliminate the stressful thoughts throughout your journey.

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• Accept that your fears are factual
Being an aviophobia, you should try to accept your fearful thoughts. It is because the more you avoid them, the more they hit back your mind. The research says that recognizing and embracing unpleasant emotions’ arousal will help you reduce your fear and avoid mental health issues, including sadness and anxiety.

• Bring a package of self-care
Most doctors always recommend bringing up a self-care package with you while starting your journey. It can include any pocket console, such as Nintendo or playing cards, or bringing your favorite magazine, along with mints or candies. They help you keep your mind busy enough and not think about such fearful thoughts.

• Bring the thrill of your arrival location with you

Be excited about your destination and pre-plan all the expectations that come to mind. When you are traveling for a holiday with your family companions, talking about your planned trip destinations and pleasant activities can assist in removing tension from your thoughts and bringing them into a more relaxed state.

• Always follow necessary health precautions
As of 2019, since we are suffering from the global pandemic, wear a mask, try to main a distance with your travel partner and bring a sanitizer with you. Taking all these precautions will help you feel safe and avoid unnecessary stress.

• Exploring exercises to maintain your mental tranquility
To help yourself calm during flight, you should round up some breathing exercises to let your positive energy focus on something other than fearful thoughts. You can start with simple activities such as extending your breath and altering your breathing patterns between nasals.

• Saying Hi to the captain
It may sound weird, but it is recommended to say hi to your flight captain and discuss a little about your journey. It helps you feel less alone and have personal contact with the staff. In addition, you will gain confidence in your ability to arrive safely to your destination because they have been doing this job for years and expect to meet their families during off-hours.

• Make strategic use of your available space
Space, or its lack, may either contribute to or detract from a feeling of security and control. Many individuals consider visual space more significant than actual space in accomplishing this goal. As a result, aisle seats provide greater visual space than other seating layouts.
It is advised that after you’ve taken your seat, try to gain a feeling of control over your physical space by extending out your arms and legs into the space that you consider to be “yours.”

It is indeed a difficult goal to keep yourself in control during the whole journey, in the plane, as they require much effort and experience. However, if you follow such steps, I believe that you will have a smoother journey in calmer skies.

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