
Stargazing: A Way To Connect Yourself With The Nature by Kapil Joshi


When you gaze upwards at the night sky, it’s easy to be captivated by the luminous moon and the brilliant stars like Sirius. You glance at them, smile, and then just move on. Yet, the universe extends far beyond these familiar sights.

As astronomer Maria Mitchel once said, “Do not look at stars as bright spots only. Try to take in the vastness of the universe.” She urges humans to look at the sky and soak in all the vastness of the universe. It’s easy to get lost in the shimmer, but beyond the visible sky, there is an expanse of space-time, filled with nebulae, distant galaxies, and the infinite —all awaiting our exploration.

You can partake in a calming and adventurous activity – Stargazing. It can help you look beyond the stars and reconnect with nature. Stargazing enables you to explore the inexplicable mysteries of the sky. It forces you to ponder your position in the universe and connect with something much more significant than humans.

Besides, there are well-known benefits of stargazing that we’ll explore together!

Benefits of Stargazing

Stargazing isn’t a modern concept. It’s a part of ancient history where humans have used it for navigational purposes, to plan harvest, and to track animal migration. It appeals to the primitive mind. Indian astrology, for decades, depends on the position of stars and planets to guide individuals on their life journeys. Beyond the historical significance, stargazing offers benefits such as:

Relieves Stress & Helps You Sleep Better

The average screen time of an Indian is 6.45 hours a day. If we exclude the 8 hours of sleep, an individual spends 40.3% of their 16 hours just looking at the screens. Well, it’s arguably correct that we can’t neglect the importance of technology in our daily lives.

However, overusing them can shackle your circadian rhythm, resulting in a disturbed sleep cycle and wakefulness. This disturbance thus causes a broad range of stress disorders.

But, embracing the dark sky therapy and connecting with nature can effectively manage stress disorders. Practicing mindfulness through stargazing helps you realise that your problems are minuscule compared to a gigantic universe, making you feel content.

Your body then responds positively by releasing stress-relieving hormones and restoring your circadian rhythm, providing better sleep and wakefulness balance.

Boosts Immune System

You may wonder how stargazing can improve your immunity. If you keep doing it from your balcony, it might not. But if you plan a hike to the top of a mountain in Leh or go camping in Rann of Kutch, it can help.

Nature expeditions like these involve physical activities. You use your entire body in a trek. Similarly, when camping, you expose yourself to fresh air. Both of which are extremely important for a healthy immune system.

Keeps You Grounded

It’s a bit ironic that you’ve to look up to feel grounded. But passionate astronomers who practise stargazing find it helps them be more considerate, kinder and generous. The hidden message you get from stargazing is that “everyone shares the same sky.” Every living being is a part of the same ecosystem, and no one deserves to be mistreated.

Learning Experience

Stargazing is not merely a hobby; it can become a lifelong passion. You can learn how to find pollution-free spots without artificial lights. Stargazing can solidify your knowledge about identifying the cosmos’ constellations, planets, and expanse of the sky.

Yes, you may need a telescope to explore far-flung space, but your eyes can help you begin with. Once you feel ready to explore more, invest in a telescope and prepare to feel amazed by nebulae, galaxies, and other celestial marvels.

Promotes Conservation

There are few stargazing sites in India. Artificial lights and dust pollution due to urbanization have turned most urban regions in India, unsuitable to gaze the night sky. In some of these large cities, you can’t see a single star at night due to excessive light pollution and air pollution. These urban spaces and our detachment from the natural beauty of the shimmering night sky underscore the significance of dedicated star-gazing sites. When stargazing surges as a hobby among more individuals, it promotes conservation as people start admiring the beauty of the night sky, and the wonders of nature – sights that most of us miss out on in the hustle of everyday life.

It’s Time To Embrace Stargazing

Seeking respite from the demands of modern life, embrace stargazing. it is an activity that does not require any prior knowledge or expertise. Think of this as a mindful practice to calm your nerves.

Feel the beauty of nature and learn from the sky, how celestial bodies of diverse sizes and shapes coexist in harmony. Bring the same values to your life, add acceptance to your character and see the difference. Plus, when you feel like going all in and learning more about stargazing, start exploring the dark-sky sites in different parts of India.

If you don’t know when and where, contact us at GreenLeaf Wildlife. Visit our website to explore stargazing tour options and how we can make your experience 100x better.

Author Bio:

Kapil Joshi-
Kapil has a keen interest in bird watching and has been doing so since 1998. He was also a free wildlife tours expert till 2007.
With wildlife being his passion, Kapil started Greenleaf Ventures in 2015 with his wife, Himani.”


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